

What was the experience of your 1st Baptiste class?

Feeling finally IN my body, from the sweaty exterior, to muscles and core; I felt alive, aware, and awake. Journey into Power felt challenging, empowering, and freeing. As soon as I was done, I wanted to practice again.

Why do you Practice Baptiste Yoga?

It’s fun, challenging, structured, creative, empowering, and aligning the body and mind.

Why do you teach Baptiste Yoga?

It’s fun, challenging, structured, creative, empowering, and of being in service.

My promise

You’ll for sure laugh, sweat, and breathe; you can cry, fart, whatever; show up totally as you are and we’ll have fun, I promise!

Quote “ There is infinite healing in the patterns of nature, the trust that dawn will come after night, and spring after winter.” ~ Rachel Carson