Patty Serraro: Owner/Lead Teacher Baptiste Power Yoga Groton
Patty Serraro
What was the experience of your 1st Baptiste class?
My first Baptiste Yoga class felt like a homecoming. The heat, the flow, and the challenge immediately awakened capacities within myself, that I’d never have realized outside of this practice. The instructor’s words gave me insight into truths, I knew deep down, but had somehow forgotten. With every move my whole body, mind, and being smiled a resounding - YES! THIS.
Why do you Practice Baptiste Yoga?
Baptiste Yoga requires that I show up powerfully for myself and for others at every turn; this generates a revitalizing energy that inspires astounding growth in my life, and brings me back to my mat for more. The daily practice of Baptiste Yoga is an indispensable foundation of my life.
It never fails to bring me back to my full aliveness & to what matters most to me.
And it works every time.
And I have seen it work for countless others.
Why do you teach Baptiste Yoga?
During every Baptiste class I teach, I get to see people bring to light their truest, most wholehearted selves and freely offer their unique expressions powerfully out to the world and to those around them. To witness each student’s grit, tenacity, sweaty natural beauty, and power energizes my commitment to be a lifelong student of this practice and to share it powerfully with as many people as possible..
My promise
My promise is to show up in each moment and joyfully share the energy, enthusiasm, and excellence of Baptiste Yoga with every person that enters our doors at Baptiste Power Yoga Groton. I promise to create a safe welcoming space of integrity, gratitude, belonging, celebration, and vibrant community.
The promise of Baptiste Power Yoga Groton
You are the promise of Baptiste Power Yoga Groton.
Thank you for being here - for showing up fully as the uniquely powerful contribution that you are. Baptiste Power Yoga Groton is a space for you (and everyone) to empower your greatest purpose on this planet & Your presence makes this possible.
We are honored to be on this journey with you and promise to continuously immerse ourselves in this powerful work of growth and discovery right beside each and every one of you. Together, we will be a wholehearted contribution, creating exciting new possibility for every member of our Groton, CT community and beyond.
“ Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony “ ~ Mahatma Gandi