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Michelle Hagerman

What was the experience of your 1st Baptiste class?

My first Baptiste class gave me the experience of really feeling like I was being seen, felt and heard. The teacher immediately approached me, enthusiastically introduced herself and made sure I had all the tools I needed for my practice. Right away I felt like I belonged there. As I began to breath and move through the postures, I noticed that my mind had begun to slow down and I was anchored in my body. For one hour the voice in my head wasn't tormenting me and I had a new found sense of peace and calm. I knew right then and there that I had found what I was looking for.

Why do you Practice Baptiste Yoga?

Baptiste Yoga is my medicine. When I practice, I am connecting to the infinite source of all life and peeling away the layers of the material world. My mind becomes focused on the experience I am having right now and I practice staying anchored to the moment, breath by breath. My practice allows me to wash all constraints away and I am left open to create the life I want. 

Why do you teach Baptiste Yoga?

I teach Baptiste Yoga so I can share my experience of healing with others and transform through the practice. It is my intention to help my students move through their resistance, develop confidence and strength to move past the barriers and walls they have constructed around themselves. Leading all towards a breakthrough and a new experience of self that they can take with them into their day.

My promise.

I promise to lead a powerful, high energy class that will leave students in their greatness and inspired by what they can accomplish when they remove the constraints of the mind. Students in my class will leave with a new sense of confidence, freedom and love for themselves.


"As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same. We are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others."- Marianne Williamson